Water & Wellness

Water has been bringing life to Bad Zurzach for 5000 years. Water can be found in many different forms in Bad Zurzach and the surrounding area. In 1914, a test drilling for salt led to the discovery of the thermal spring – the birth of the wellness destination. Be inspired by the Bad Zurzach water oasis.

tiere baden
Papa Moll water world and outdoor playground
biken pflanze baden
Aargau High Rhine
biken baden
Rhine navigation
gesundheit baden
Therme Zurzach
gesundheit baden
Spa at the Therme Zurzach
tiere baden
Regibad Zurzach
pflanze baden
Klingnau reservoir
pflanze baden
Aue “Chly Rhy”
pflanze biken baden
Rhine ferry Barz-Kadelburg
fuehrung_museum baden
Birth of the wellness destination